Postcard with the memorial to the victims of the Airlift. Collection M. Heisig

Culture(s) of remembrance and the Berlin Airlift Memorial

Event takes place in German.

Event location: Tempelhof

Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 7 pm

The open-air exhibition Blockaded Victors – Divided Berlin. 75 Years Airlift at Tempelhof Airport will be accompanied by the exciting THFxLUFTBRÜCKE programme from October: historians, contemporary witnesses and publicists will show what role the Airlift plays in Berlin’s culture of remembrance and literature and take a look at the conditions at the time: How did the coal get to Berlin? What role did the black market play in supply?

The blockade and airlift are German “places of remembrance” from the beginning of the Cold War, whose perception and significance have changed over time. The Airlift commemoration found an early manifest form in the memorial here opposite Tempelhof Airport. Historian Axel Drieschner takes a look at the controversial history of the creation of the “Hunger Rake”, while historian Ulrich Pfeil traces the narrative of freedom and reconciliation closely associated with the airlift.

In discussion: Axel Drieschner (Office for Contemporary History and Monument Preservation, Berlin) / Ulrich Pfeil (Université de Lorraine) / Moderation: Doris Müller-Toovey (Military History Museum Berlin-Gatow Airfield)


All events take place free of charge in the CHECK-IN visitor centre in the former Tempelhof airport building.

For better planning, please register here.


Official website of the Airlift exhibition